Introduction of ASEAN University Network – Health Promotion Network

2023-08-20 09:45:27

AUN – Health Promotion Network:


ASEAN University Network – Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) was established in 2014 as thematic network of AUN, and has been serving as a regional network of people and universities working towards a better and healthier society. Currently, the AUN-HPN membership consists of 30 core members and 9 associate members across the 10 ASEAN countries.


ASEAN Universities are leading institutions in promoting health within universities and beyond.


  • To serve as a platform for ASEAN higher education institutions for collaboration among themselves and with other key stakeholders for the purpose of “Health Promotion” in the ASEAN region.
  • To share knowledge, skills, and resources among the network members to build capacity for health promotion and develop innovative solutions to common health challenges in the region.


Presently, the membership of AUN-HPN comprises two distinct groups: official members and expanded members.

Official members: Consist of esteemed and foundational institutions, including renowned universities such as Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia), Universiti Malaya (Malaysia), University of the Philippines (Philippines), and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei). Vietnam is represented by two official members, namely Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) and Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-HN). School of Medicine, designated by VNU-HCM, serves as the representative for AUN-HPN, while the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (formerly School of Medicine and Pharmacy) acts as the representative for VNU-HN.

Expanded member: AUN-HPN has expanded its membership to include institutions from outside the ASEAN region, particularly from Northeast Asia. This expansion encompasses schools admitted at a later stage, such as Osaka University (Japan), among others. Consequently, the network has broadened its scope to encompass both the ASEAN and Northeast Asian regions.


In addition to maintaining these foundational activities, AUN-HPN places particular emphasis on the following key endeavors: conducting research on prevalent health issues among AUN-HPN member institutions, such as chronic non-communicable diseases and the problem of youth inactivity, and implementing the AUN Healthy University Framework and the Healthy University Rating System (HURS). These initiatives collectively strive to promote a culture of health and well-being within member universities by fostering research collaborations, addressing common health challenges, and establishing frameworks for assessing universities’ efforts to create health-supportive environments.

AUN- HPN Website:


School of Medicine – Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City